Seasonal Changes Embraced at EPIC. Planting Seeds of Transformation with Mushroom Therapy. Teachings of the Sunflower. EPIC Healing Newsletter Issue 11

EPIC Invitation: Our intake team is happy to answer your questions and explore services with you. After you Sign up for services, we’ll send you our helpful and informative invitation. To learn more and explore services, the next step is to Schedule a Free Call with one of our Intake Specialists. It’s our joy to be of service. 🙏 We look forward to hearing from you.

October 16, 2024

EPIC Healing Eugene & Radiant Heart Consulting specialize in offering highly curated and private sessions, supporting individual clients and small groups in their healing and transformational experiences. We also offer retreats. Our facilitated psilocybin therapy sessions support clients in making a deeper connection with themselves and the psilocybin (the magic mushrooms), who is the primary teacher and guide. We are also pleased to offer a long-term community of support to those who come to us, in the form of individual services along with our free supportive groups.

Our Healing Space (please visit our website for pictures of EPIC & contracted Portland location).

Druid, the Tree surrounded by trees, ferns, shrubs, and flowers. EPIC Healing Eugene's private courtyard is attached to our Garden Room, where clients can enjoy some time in nature. Clients also appreciate that the Garden Room (and our Hummingbird Room) has private bathroom access.

The Teaching of the Sunflower… Nurturing Seeds of Change. Changing Seasons as our Teacher.

Since EPIC Healing Eugene became licensed on May 5th, 2023, EPIC's courtyard has gone through many seasonal transitions, getting cleaned up and a new look of flowers, shrubs, ferns, and trees, whatever the season will allow in our Pacific Northwest climate. We and our beloved courtyard have celebrated two springs, two summers, two autumns, almost two falls, and one winter. Recently I (Cathy) visited a pumpkin patch with my five year old grandson; we enjoyed what felt like a perfect, summer day. I couldn't help but have some philosophical musings about the sunflowers and the change of season. The last of the flowers, sunflowers and dahlias, with some honeybees hurrying to feed on them. The changing colors of the autumn-colored trees are becoming more prominent each day, and soon the rains will start along with the massive dropping of multi-colored leaves. But, what do those sunflowers with their seeds tightly nestled into their flower heads teach us? And, how can this relate to taking a psychedelic journey? I believe so many times in our lives things happen that plant seeds of growth and transformation to occur, for when those teachings are ready to flower within us, and even perhaps change the course of our lives. The magic of the psilocybin mushroom operates in the same fashion. Just as we witness in nature, everything seems to happen just as it should. How is it that one small sunflower seed can not only grow into a large specimen to behold, standing out so boldly with its yellow crown of gold petals, but can also produce hundreds if not thousands of little seeds?  The spiral pattern of the seeds within the head of the sunflower are so orderly, just as nature has supported its growth, and ours as well. And, now this sunflower reaches the end of its cycle, the prime of its beauty transitioning; its seeds are its legacy, the gift to share with others. (Continued)…

Our Standard Offerings for all EPIC/RHC Clients: (with our Radiant Heart Facilitators)

  1. Three hours of individual preparation

  2. Two hours of individual integration

  3. Supportive, facilitated journey with psilocybin (typically around 6-8 hours, no time-limit)

  4. Twice monthly preparation groups (optional and at no additional cost)

  5. Twice monthly integration groups (optional and at no additional cost)

  6. Monthly personal growth groups (different themes)

    - New Moon- Healing Circle

    - Psilocybin & Personal Growth: A Scientific Exploration

    - Trauma Healing & Transformation Group

    - Bonus Offering: New Year’s - Healing Circle with Intention Ritual

  7. Our Pay-It-Forward Fund to help clients with limited means. EPIC and Radiant Heart have been donating 5% of their revenue since inception. (Thank you for your contributions. Everything helps, the need is great).

  8. Expanded services at select licensed service centers. This means our Radiant Heart Consulting facilitators are cross-trained to work at service centers we rent rooms at.

  9. We also offer transformative, nurturing, and inspiring Retreats (with psilocybin experiences)!

EPIC’s Garden Room, view of private courtyard space. Clients love the courtyard, staff do too! 💜 We also have comfortable mats for those who like being on the floor.

Cozy and safe, clients describe our Hummingbird Room as having its own magic and special energy. Our recliners are also comfortable options, in both the Garden and Hummingbird Rooms.

What’s New?

Meet some of EPIC Healing & Radiant Heart’s Retreat Facilitator Team

Cathy Jonas (LCSW), and Heather Shelton (Ret. RN), Retreat Facilitators.  We are looking forward to our next EPIC / Radiant Heart Retreat offerings! (Eugene, Oregon location). We will be offering more "Healers of the Heart" Retreats, with different themes, including some focused on health and mental health providers, those who want to learn and experience lots of energy healing, etc. We're excited!

Retreat Facilitators, Erin Baldwin Draper (MSW) and Christine Marie (RN). They are planning some great EPIC / Radiant Heart retreats for 2025! (Portland Location). 

Our Retreat Team wraps up our 2024 Retreat Offerings (each included an array of personal growth activities and psilocybin experiences). Thank you for those who attended! We look forward to our retreats in 2025!

You can go directly to our EPIC and Radiant Heart Consulting Retreats page to learn more and sign up for services. We will be creating a list of interested clients then choosing some dates. Early-bird signup specials will be offered.

Individual Options: Interested in creating a private yet supported experience for yourself? Check out our new Low-High Dose or High-High Dose Session Packages.

If a person wants to create their own retreat experience, this may look like arranging for some extra days at an AirBnB, engaging in extra self-care activities, arranging for a Low-Dose session one day, then High-Dose Session within a few days, etc. Extra preparation and integration meetings or healing services can be arranged with your chosen facilitator. Learn more by visiting our Radiant Heart Services page.

Guest Offering

PODCAST… Peter Sage has put together an informative, intriguing, and fun Podcast: Mushroom Medicine - Unlocking Minds and Transforming Lives. With compassionate and expert interviewing skills, Peter interviews various clients that have had their psilocybin experiences at EPIC Healing Eugene.

Mushroom Medicine - Unlocking Minds and Transforming Lives by Peter Sage. By Peter Sage

Available on Spotify and Apple.

In this podcast, we will be stepping into the fascinating world of psychedelic therapy, focusing on the powerful compound psilocybin—a naturally occurring psychedelic compound produced by more than 200 species of magic mushrooms. You will hear directly from individuals who have tripped into and through this psychedelic frontier at the country's first fully licensed psilocybin service center; Epic Healing in Eugene Oregon. So, get comfortable, open your mind, and prepare to journey into the depths of human consciousness.

See other EPIC / Radiant Heart Testimonials

[A bee visiting Cathy's dahlia]. 

The Teaching of the Sunflower… Nurturing Seeds of Change. Changing Seasons as our Teacher.

(continued) - The sunflower seems to represents the selflessness of sharing its bounty. Thank you for the reminder, dear sunflower, of how many seeds are yet to germinate and bloom within us; with each interaction, each pausing in the present moment, each opportunity to shine our light, we continue to cast the seeds of what we've learned, and through that, a feeling of meaning and purpose fills us. There can be hope and freedom as we embrace change, when we get unstuck, allowing the season of expansive joy to bath us with light, just like the sunflower. Because we don't often know what is happening behind the surface of where life is sometimes guiding us, or how certain life experiences only reveal their importance years later, this is the importance of creating ways of honoring our life journey, the insights that flash in the eye of the heart and mind. This is the path of trusting that endless metaphorical seeds are germinating within us, leading us on our path. Appreciating the small and grander insights are an important aspect of psychedelic integration, and the gifts we can share with others. May we continue to enjoy the flower teachers, and allow ourselves to be one as well. 🦋

Herbal blessing, Limpia Spiritual Cleansing Ritual, with Amazonian protector herbs, plants, and flowers. This was offered at the Healers of the Heart Retreat, September 2024. Participants loved it, followed by sitting in the sauna and letting the blessing soak in. We'll offer this again!

Shamanic drumming Journey of “Meeting Your Future Self” at the “Healers of the Heart Retreat”. (Cathy drumming at the Dragonfly Retreat House, June 2024).  We offered similar offerings during our September offering of "Healers of the Heart" including a favorite for both of the "Healers of the Heart" Retreat: A heart-centered hypnotherapy Decision Making script. We also offered individual energy healing sessions for each participant, which we'll continue to offer each retreat going forward.

Our EPIC Courtyard got a new bench! Snuggle in surrounded by flowers and nature in our EPIC Court Yard. Our year round gardening creates four seasons of diversity and charm. 

It is our deepest joy to be of service and to support others on their personal growth path.

Other details and reminders: We no longer operate by having a wait list. We process referrals and inquiries as they come in.

Contact to be moved up on waitlist, or if you want to confirm we’ve received your inquiry. 🦋

Wishing all the best. Thank you again for your support.

🙏 It’s our honor to serve. Feel free to share our newsletter if you know of someone who may be interested in our services. To sign up for services, please visit the EPIC Healing Eugene Contact Page


The EPIC Healing Eugene and Radiant Heart Consulting Team

Seeing with Heart

Awakening the Heart (Healing) is simply remembering who you truly are. Heart-focused and present-moment awareness practices are what we teach. We believe this is one of the fastest paths to healing and transformation.


EPIC Healing Eugene - The Rewards of the Healing Work with psilocybin mushrooms is what keeps the Doors Open, not the money.


EPIC Healing Eugene offers Mushroom Therapy, otherwise known as Psilocybin Therapy. What is it?