We look forward to supporting you in your Healing & Transformational journey.
Long welcome with full description of our offered services and invitation to join EPIC / Radiant Heart’s healing community.
Short Welcome, brief overview of EPIC and why come.
Over the years we’ve learned a lot about personal growth, on a personal and professional level, and in our healing work with others as they navigate their inner landscape and psychedelic space. It is our honor to assist others in experiencing a meaningful shift, as they unite with their wholeness, search for purpose, and healing. Our videos provide program updates, while often weaving in helpful hints to aid others in their healing and transformation.
Cathy Jonas, LCSW, Lead Facilitator
Owner, EPIC Healing Eugene & Radiant Heart Consulting
EPIC Healing Eugene Educational Series
Tips for Psychedelic Preparation
Meet part of EPIC’s core Leadership and Intake Team:
Cathy Rosewell Jonas, LCSW, founder, and Heather Shelton, Ret. Nurse.
Psychedelic Preparation and Integration Hints
Psychedelic Preparation: Taking the “Bad” out of the Trip
Mindfulness 101. Psychedelic Preparation. Making meditation easy. Playful banter with Heather & Cathy.
Psychedelic Preparation and Integration, The Heart Path.
Psychedelic Integration
Top Tips from EPIC Healing: Psychedelic Integration
Meet more of the EPIC / Radiant Heart Facilitator Team, who share about their style and Helpful Preparation and Integration Tips.
Trusting Innate Healing Process. Heather Shelton, Retired Nurse, Herbalist, and Senior Licensed Facilitator with EPIC Healing Eugene & Radiant Heart shares how she leans on her active listening skills, and trusting each client's innate ability to experience a process of healing.
First Steps for Exploring Trauma Healing with Psilocybin. Interview with Senior Licensed Facilitator, Jennifer Dziubanek, LCSW from EPIC Healing Eugene & Radiant Heart.
Psychedelic Preparation Tips: "Remember you took mushrooms" from EPIC Healing Eugene & Radiant Heart. Featuring: EPIC / Radiant Heart’s Cathy Rosewell Jonas LCSW, and Aaron Arvidson, BS, Oregon Licensed Facilitators
Coaching Tips for Psilocybin. Interview with Ciara Cuddihy, Senior Licensed Facilitator and Transformational Life Coach, from EPIC Healing Eugene & Radiant Heart.
It’s all about the Heart…
One of our Most Popular Videos
EPIC Healing Eugene's Services & Heart-Centered Tips for Preparing for a Psychedelic Experience.
In this video series, along with sharing her journey about opening up a licensed service center, Cathy Rosewell Jonas, LCSW, shares a variety of self-healing strategies, encouraging others in their own healing process. She talks about healing self with psychedelics while stressing the importance of DIY strategies that can help people in their preparation and integration process, especially teaching how integration is just as important as the experience itself.
More videos on EPIC Healing Eugene Youtube Channel
Psychedelic Preparation, 5 tips from EPIC Healing Eugene, Oregon's First Psilocybin Service Center.
When the “Earthsongs” Come…
Cathy Rosewell Jonas, LCSW, from EPIC Healing Eugene (Oregon's first psilocybin service center) and Radiant Heart Consulting, shares more about the spontaneous healing songs that continue to come to her, which her psilocybin journeys have told her they are "Earth songs."
Update video: September 20, 2023, along with some tips on personal growth and building resiliency.
Update video: August 8th, 2023, along with some beautiful tips from Heather on how to create a daily gratitude practice, described in the last five minutes of this informative video.
Update Video, 5/16/2024: Here's EPIC / Radiant Heart Consulting's Services Updates, some heart-centered tips about preparation and integration, as well as more information about our offered retreats.
Update Video, 4/7/24: Healing Eugene is happy to add personal growth retreats to our offerings. It’s our joy to support people in their transformational and healing process.
Update video: April 2, 2024. Nearly a year since opening. Updates on our Expanded services at EPIC and at different locations, Integration & Preparation Groups, Retreats, and more.
Update video: February 13th, 2024. Nine months since opening. Intake Process, Repeat offerings, Integration & Preparation Groups, and More.
Update Video: January 18, 2024. EPIC’s serves close to 100 clients, and other updates.
Update Video: November 29th, 2023. EPIC’s expansion. Frequently Asked Questions. EPIC’s Five month update.
Update Video: EPIC Beginnings
Welcome Video, May 3rd, 2023
Update video: May 18th, 2023. Cathy and Heather address Frequently Asked Questions. Please visit our FAQ page on our EPIC Healing Eugene website, we add to these periodically.
Our video offerings, available on the EPIC Healing Eugene Youtube channel, offer updates on EPIC Healing Eugene’s Service Center development and growth, and describe supportive services offered by our sister company Radiant Heart Consulting.
Our Journey
Want to see the step-by-step process of how EPIC Healing Eugene became the first licensed Oregon Psilocybin Service Center? Check out this YouTube playlist to learn more!