Learn more about EPIC, our Radiant Heart Consulting facilitator team, and the services we provide.

For other inquiries, not to participate in services, please email:

info [at] epichealingeugene [dot] com

To receive updates about EPIC’s progress in offering services, and other updates relevant to Oregon Psilocybin you can sign up for our newsletter, and visit our Blog and Videos pages.

Thank you

Our intake process starts with a free informational and intake call, then we get you scheduled to come. Our intake team is happy to answer your questions.

EPIC Healing Eugene's psilocybin facilitation service has no wait time!

This Contact Form is for potential clients seeking services with EPIC Healing Eugene. Please fill out this form to join the EPIC Community and start your healing journey.

See below for email address if you have other reasons for contacting us and do not wish to participate in EPIC Healings Services, thank you.

Our team at EPIC and Radiant Heart Consulting facilitation team look forward to working with you.

We look forward to being of service in your healing and transformational journey.

A Client Centered Approach- We Offer clients a Long-term Community to Support Healing

At EPIC Healing Eugene, we offer transformative psychedelic therapy that specializes in supporting individuals through their healing journeys. Our Radiant Heart licensed professionals provide personalized support at EPIC Healing and our contracted service centers to help you get the most out of your experiences: fostering growth, healing, and deeper self-understanding.

Whether you are seeking relief from trauma, anxiety, grief, or depression, or want to awaken deeper to your spirituality, our heart-centered, trauma-informed approach prioritizes your well-being and facilitates lasting change and transformation.

We provide our clients long-term support for Free, including on-going preparation, integration and personal growth groups. By choosing our services, we welcome you to our healing community which will be there for you as long as you’d like. We invite you to embrace this opportunity for healing, to feel a deeper connection, reunite with forgotten parts of yourself, and to discover the greatest potential within you.

We are happy to provide all our clients a comprehensive healing package, that always includes our Free Preparation, Integration, and Personal Growth Groups.