Frequently Asked Questions
Your Healing is Most Important to Us~
Clients Value the Healing Community of Support We Offer~
We Go Beyond What Is Required~
Oregon & the Nation's First Licensed Psilocybin Center ~
We Support You in the Long-Term ~
Experts in Preparation & Integration~
Your Healing is Most Important to Us~ Clients Value the Healing Community of Support We Offer~ We Go Beyond What Is Required~ Oregon & the Nation's First Licensed Psilocybin Center ~ We Support You in the Long-Term ~ Experts in Preparation & Integration~
Long-term Free Integration Groups
~ Lots of Positive Reviews ~
Experienced Facilitators ~
Trauma Specialists ~
Community of Support ~
Healing Outdoor Space ~
A Safe Place for Healing & Transformation ~
Numerous Five Star Reviews ~
Free Personal Growth Groups ~
Pay-It-Forward Fund for Discounted Services ~
Individual and Small Group Experiences ~
Offering Completely Private Sessions (EPIC Opens Just For You)~
Immersive Transformational Retreats ~
Hundreds Served ~
Expertise in Healing & Facilitation ~
No time limit or extra charges for Psilocybin Session ~
Personalized Packages for those who want to take their Healing Deeper~
Long-term Free Integration Groups ~ Lots of Positive Reviews ~ Experienced Facilitators ~ Trauma Specialists ~ Community of Support ~ Healing Outdoor Space ~ A Safe Place for Healing & Transformation ~ Numerous Five Star Reviews ~ Free Personal Growth Groups ~ Pay-It-Forward Fund for Discounted Services ~ Individual and Small Group Experiences ~ Offering Completely Private Sessions (EPIC Opens Just For You)~ Immersive Transformational Retreats ~ Hundreds Served ~ Expertise in Healing & Facilitation ~ No time limit or extra charges for Psilocybin Session ~ Personalized Packages for those who want to take their Healing Deeper~
What’s new in 2024?
Yes! We offer retreats! (Visit our services page and scroll down for current retreat offerings).
We are finally in a position to expand our offerings, and are excited to offer some retreat experiences. We’re working on it.
While EPIC searches for a larger second location, we will start offering some non-residential and residential retreat experiences, meaning that some of our offered experiences will include arranged lodging, others will offer day programming with lodging on your own. Stay tuned for more details. We are planning some fun and meaningful offerings in Eugene, Ashland, and Portland, Oregon.
Our mini-retreat experiences, will include preparation and integration activities and personal growth experiences that add extra support to prepare and integrate a psilocybin experience, along with having a group psilocybin experience.
Offerings will include 'Heal the Healer' groups for those in the healing field experiencing compassion fatigue, burnout, depression, anxiety, or vicarious trauma.
Our offerings will include a variety of experiences, including time for journaling and exploring.
Extra retreat activities (beyond when we are engaged in structured non-directive approach for preparation, facilitation, and integration session) may include breath-work, cacao ceremony, energy healing sound bath, focused integration work with guided meditations, energy healing with tuning forks, shamanic healing and release strategies, deep exploration using Parts Work (Internal Systems Therapy), Earth grounding, kundalini yoga practices, vision board with inner light coaching, artwork, forest bathing, smudging with herbal blessings, and more.
Contact us to inquire and to add yourself to the “interested list.” Prices TBD and will depend on fair lodging costs, group rates for experience, location, activities, and staffing. We will post a flyer on our website and also a link on our newsletter when we have our retreat dates planned. Thank you for your interest! We have a great Retreat Team coming together.
Yes, we are the first ever officially licensed Psilocybin Service Center in Oregon and the country. We always accept referrals to our wait list and do not go in order. We are a small service center, but operate seven days a week. Currently, we are able to serve 20-30 clients a month at EPIC Healing Eugene. We expect that number to grow when we get a second location.
Thank you for your interest and patience with our process. We specialize in individual and small group experiences, couples or groups of 2-3 that know each each-other.
In an effort to serve more clients on our waitlist, we have created an arrangement with some other service centers (Fractal Soul in Portland, and Omnia in Ashland) for offering sessions there with one of our vetted facilitators.
Once you’ve been chosen from our waitlist, we will reach out and contact you to schedule a 20 minute free consult to determine if psilocybin facilitation is good choice for you at this time.
EPIC Healing Eugene contracts with Radiant Heart Consulting (our sister company) for facilitation and other supportive services offered. Oregon state guidelines require a non-directive approach to psilocybin preparation, facilitation, and integration. This approach is supportive, but not therapy. Each person’s inner intelligence is considered the primary guide for healing, along with the inner-wisdom promoting action of the psilocybin.
EPIC includes two hours of non-directive Individual preparation, a supported yet non-directed experiential session, and two hours Individual integration as part of each offering.
We also offer additional group offerings including a free monthly preparation group, and a free monthly integration group, for those who are signed up or have completed a session with us.
To get submit interest for psilocybin services, fill out our Contact Form. Please Include your name, what City/State you are coming from, phone, email, reason for seeking services, the month/year you would like to be seen, and other questions.
EPIC Waitlist, The Intake Call, & Scheduling: EPIC’s waitlist is always open. While EPIC historically always has a long waitlist, we don’t go in order and welcome those who have a sincere interest in coming to us. Once you fill out and submit the contact form, you will be added to our wait list. EPIC randomly sends out over a hundred email invitations each week. We welcome repeat inquiries if it’s been a while since you added your name to our wait list. If you are still interested when you receive our invitation for an intake call, please write back to indicate when you may want to come. We will invite you to schedule a 20-30 minute free consultation with our EPIC Intake Team. During the call, we will explore your unique situation and discuss next steps for getting scheduled. If you decide to move forward after your intake call, you can hold a certain date on our schedule by putting down a deposit. You will then fill out our intake paperwork and review this prior to your session with your chosen facilitator. Refer to Radiant Heart Consulting to learn more about our skilled and compassionate facilitators. Our prices are listed on our FAQ page.
Per the OHA guidelines we need to follow and not being a medical setting, we need to direct any specific questions regarding your medications or medical condition and how these variables may effect a psychedelic experience to your medical professional team. We are interested in having this information as well, as this will help us best help you.
Please refer to our EPIC Healing Eugene Services Page, which informs on our process. We now have no wait time for services, so you will hear from us shortly. We are still pulling names from the waitlist, so if you have not been reached out to, feel free to email info@epichealingeugene.com and we will respond shortly. Thank you for your interest, we would look forward to supporting you in anyway we can.
Yes, we serve clients from all over. For an actual psilocybin session, you’ll need to travel to Oregon. We will discuss options for you regarding EPIC Healing Eugene’s main location (which is based in Eugene, Oregon) versus alternative annex services that are available with our Radiant Heart Consulting staff in other service center locations.
Our preparation and integration session are offered via Zoom or Google Meet.
RHC Alumni Return Session Discounts
Benefits we are pleased to offer our EPIC / RHC Alumni, meaning clients who have completed a facilitated session with us:
$500 discount to facilitation services pricing for RHC clients returning for an administration session within 12 months of completing intake forms and preparation session, at the same service center location as before. (Per OHA rules we don’t need to re-do forms and preparation in this scenario.)
$100 discount to facilitation services pricing for any returning RHC clients regardless of service center location and timeframe.
Unlimited Attendance for EPIC / RHC's offered Integration Groups, offered twice a month.
Other details:
We do have clients who have repeat sessions. People have different goals and benchmarks for personal and psychological growth following a psilocybin experience. Gernally, those who return for another session are wanting the deeper connection they felt during their experience, or hoping for longer, more enduring benefits in their healing.
We’ve also had inquiries for those who would like to come for a lower dose session then a higher dose session. These options can be dicussed during your intake screening call, and/or during your preparation session with your chosen facilitator. For those who are planning on coming from out of state, we suggest that you might want to plan on having one or two facilitation sessions (depending on scheduling), sandwiched around a few days (or longer) of exploring the beautiful coast or mountain environments nearby.
Yes, in our primary location, we offer small group experiences, and especially enjoy working with couples. Although what we’ve decided works best in EPIC’s small service center, is to offer group services for people that already know each other.
Our facilitation groups are generally limited to 2-3 people, unless it’s a specially arranged group or offered retreat experience, we may serve up to 5 people who want to experience a lower dose session together.
In addition to the individual services we offer regarding preparation, facilitation, and integration, We also offer additional group offerings of a free monthly preparation group, and a free monthly integration group, for those who are signed up or have completed a session with us.
2024: While we search for a larger second location, we will offer some non-residential retreat experiences. Stay tuned for more details. We are planning some fun and meaningful offerings.
We are excited to announce we offer two free monthly online integration groups for our EPIC / RHC Alumni Clients, for clients who have completed a session with us. We also offer a free monthly preparation group for those who are scheduled for a session with us. These groups are in addition to the two hours of individual preparation and two (1 hour) integration sessions that clients will have with their chosen facilitator after they have completed a session.
We also offer an integration journal, which can be acquired for free as our gift when onsite at EPIC Healing Eugene’s Service Center, or purchased on Amazon to use prior to your session that we reimburse clients $15.00 for purchasing.
If clients desire more than the free groups we offer, and the two hours of individual preparation and two hours of individual integration as part of your psilocybin session purchased, extra sessions can be arranged for with their facilitator.
If additional preparation and integration support is desired beyond what it is included in our packages and what we offer, we offer a resource page on our radiant heart consulting website that includes a variety of additional supportive resources.
Yes, we do have a small courtyard that is inviting and has plants and flowers, ferns, a fountain, and other nice touches.
EPIC contracts with our sister company, Radiant Heart Consulting for our facilitation services. We have two prices for individual services based on whether a client is working with one of Radiant’s Senior-Level versus regular-level Oregon Licensed Facilitators, and group rates with one of Radiant’s Senior-Level Facilitators. EPIC Healing Eugene has separate costs it incurs to provide this specialized service. This includes providing the appropriate staffing and setting for a safe and deep transformational experience. Along with best practice decisions, EPIC must follow state mandated staffing requirements, and rules regarding how long a client must stay at a licensed Service Center after receiving psilocybin. Other costs include the cost of the state regulated psilocybin product itself, as well as taking all of the steps required to qualify for and operate within Oregon’s psilocybin strict regulatory framework, which includes the unknowns of federal tax laws.
Updated price sheets with specific amounts is provided to potential clients prior to their initial consultation.
Psilocybin services fees (Radiant)
Psilocybin product prices (EPIC)
More price ranges and services will be added, once we open our second location.
Yes, we can create a payment plan for you. Just let us know your need and we’ll create the appropriate payment links so you can better budget a healing session.
Discounted rates and occasional scholarships are made possible through EPIC'S and Radiant Heart Consulting’s Pay It Forward Fund. This fund is created and sustained by those feeling abundant to help others have a transformative experience, from EPIC/Radiant’s own in-house donations, from our staff who are willing to discount their rates, and from our psilocybin manufacturer who is also willing to offer donations of product. EPIC Healing Eugene and our sister company, Radiant Heart Consulting donates 5% of our revenue to our Pay-It-Forward Fund each month. We consult a screening form to allow fairness in distribution of available funds, based on client’s financial needs and resources available. We appreciate all donations so we can help others with modest means afford an experience. Thank you.
Due to the legal status of psilocybin, medical Insurance does not cover the psilocybin facilitation or the cost of the psilocybin. We have included two preparation, and two integration sessions as part our experiential sessions, in addition to the free preparation and integration groups we offer.
We offer macrodosing. The dosage range EPIC offers ranges traditionally between 10 mg up to 35 mg. For clients who have come for a previous session, we may consider going up to 50 mg. Oregon allows for service centers to go up to 50 mg dosage, however we’ve decided for our small setting 35 mg is a reasonable limit for those new to psychedelics and/or coming to our service center for the first time. Research and medical settings commonly uses 20- 25 mg dosages.
Microdosing is often around 1/10 or less of a standard dose. True microdosing is generally sub-perceptual. Micro-dosing builds neuro-plasticity and opens receptivity of the heart and mind within the facilitation setting. Many clients prefer to start with this kind of experience to “get their feet wet” using psychedelics.
At this time, we do not offer microdosing, except for special offerings as part of retreat programming. We hope to offer microdosing when we are in a larger space. so we can offer this service more frequently and at a lower cost. In these types of sessions, clients take enough psilocybin to feel a mild expansion of consciousness, but not enough to enter into a deeper psychedelic journey.
Stay tuned.
No, the Oregon model of psilocybin service delivery only allow for purchase of psilocybin to be a part of a supervised psilocybin facilitated journey. There are no legal dispensaries for psilocybin in Oregon, and we do not mail or provide any psilocybin outside of the state allowed regulated framework.
We have a Pay It Forward Fund for those interested in helping others afford a facilitated psilocybin experience. Those with more generous means can also support our growth by helping us get established in a second location.
Details: It has always been our desire to increase accessibility, which we can do when we have a larger space. Currently, we operate out of a leased office space in a professional counseling office building, usually using one, and sometimes two offices. While we love our nurturing space, which is full of plants and has an sweet courtyard, it is too small to offer groups and other creative healing services.
A second, larger, space will enable us to offer more sessions to individuals and couples, and various group and other healing services including retreats, microdosing, personal growth groups, and more. By offering group experiences, we will also be able to offer lower costs and increase accessibility.
For those who would like to contribute to us, so we can expand our services, please contact us directly to learn more and explore investment opportunities. Donations can be made to EPIC'S and Radiant Heart Consulting Pay It Forward Fund. Thank you for any and all donations.
We have lots of personal notes of gratitude and heartfelt reviews we’d love to share:
On September 6, 2023: I had the honor of receiving a psilocybin therapy session with Cathy Jonas and Heather Shelton at their lovely service center. I am grateful for their care and support during this transitional life-affirming event. Know that you will receive their utmost attention. No better companions could be hoped for during your healing journey.
Vivian Anderson
September 2023
I have done a full session with Cathy and her team and it was an exquisite experience! With her experience and knowledge, Cathy was able to guide me in a most comfortable and insightful way. I cannot imagine a solo journey after this!
I am very happy to be part of this pioneering therapy which has long lasting results.
I have deep appreciation for all the work she has done to lay the groundwork for a new direction forward! Thank you, Epic Healing team!
Lorraine Brown
August 2023
I was very impressed with the services provided by Cathy Jonas and Heather Shelton RN.
As you can imagine, since I have never had an experience with these types of drugs, I was nervous about what the procedure would be like.
However, Cathy and Heather were very welcoming and supportive, and the room was well equipped for various ways to be comfortable during this process, I was fully educated about what type of experience this could be and assured that they would “come to the rescue” if needed.
Cathy and Heather explained what typically occurs during this process and provided tips on how to deal with possible “scary incidents” to quickly overcome any fearful thoughts.
What really impressed me the most was how dedicated they were to upholding Oregon’s standards for providing this service. Everything was explained to me about the impact various types of mushrooms could have on people and after those explanations, I chose the one that seemed best suited to me.
I highly recommend Epic Healing Eugene as a great environment to have this experience.
Ellen O’Neill-Stephens JD
August 2023
I recently worked with Cathy and her exceptional team on my own healing journey. They provide a beautiful space for healing and a gentle presence to explore this extraordinary medicine. It was a life changing healing experience, and one that would have been quite different had I taken the do-it-yourself home route. I will be eternally grateful to Cathy and Team for accompanying me on this healing journey.
Henry W.
July 2023
We travelled to Eugene for a session with Cathy. It was a new experience for me, and I couldn’t have been more satisfied. Cathy is intuitive and empathetic, which made me at ease from the moment we interacted.
I highly recommend EPIC.
Rupal I.
July 2023
Cathy and Terry are amazing. Supportive, prepared, knowledgeable and well seasoned. Can't recommend highly enough.
Erica L.
June 2023
The atmosphere at EPIC healing is unique and transformative. I was able to receive the care and support I needed. As soon as I walked through that door I was able to feel positive vibes. Cathy and her husband treated me with empathy and respect. Thank you for guiding me on this EPIC healing journey.
José I.
May 2023
The Psilocybin Experience
Preparation, the Experiential Session, Integration, and EPIC’s Supportive Services
What to Expect. What we Offer.
The Intake Call, & Scheduling: Once you fill out and submit the contact form, you will be invited to schedule a 20-minute free consultation with our EPIC Intake Team. During the call, we will explore your unique situation and discuss next steps for getting scheduled. If you decide to move forward after your intake call, you can hold a certain date on our schedule by putting down a deposit. You will then fill out our intake paperwork and review this prior to your session with your chosen facilitator. Refer to Radiant Heart Consulting to learn more about our skilled and compassionate facilitators.
Preparation Sessions: We love helping you prepare so you can get the most out of your experience. EPIC coordinates with our sister company, Radiant Heart Consulting for facilitation services. You will receive 3 hours of individual (and/or small group) preparation, to help you prepare for your psilocybin session. We also work with couples and small groups that know each other. Our preparation sessions provide an opportunity for you to engage in some personal exploration of your intentions, life history, and your healing goals with one of our trusted facilitators. Together you will co-create what would best support your individualized journey. We gently encourage you in your unique and individual process of being guided by your inner intelligence, as you explore your heart and most tender inner landscape. Our skilled and nurturing staff provide non-directive supportive coaching to help you get started with your inward journey. Your transformational and healing process often will continue to unfold months after your experiential session, which is helped along by the integration sessions we also offer.
Unlimited Free Monthly EPIC Preparation Group Sessions: In addition to the individualized preparation (and/or small group) sessions you receive, we also offer two, ongoing free monthly group preparation sessions, at no extra charge. Our preparation groups are for clients signed up for a psilocybin facilitated session with us.
The Experiential Session: A six-eight hour facilitated psilocybin session. No extra charge if extra time is needed. Our Radiant Heart Consulting Facilitators and EPIC staff work together to provide a safe, supportive healing environment where participants can explore their inner world and connection with source energy. Staff take care to monitor your individual needs, even if you are participating in a small group experience, as to whether you are too cold or hot, need the comfort of a weighted blanket, ethical supportive touch (which is discussed and agreed upon before an administration session), coaching on breathing into uncomfortable emotions, and unconditional support and compassionate presence to assist you with feeling safe in confronting and befriending scary, illuminated, or unknown parts of yourself. Our trained staff are present for your whole journey to help you in gentle, subtle, yet impactful ways that only "someone who has been there” can provide.
Expanded Service Areas: EPIC’s Radiant Heart Consulting Team is happy to offer psilocybin facilitated sessions at EPIC Healing Eugene (Eugene, Oregon), and at other services centers we contract with, including in the Portland area, giving clients more choice and ease in travel arrangements.
Personal Growth Retreat Experiences. We offer retreats experiences, with psilocybin. We offer a variety of themed retreats, including Healer of the Heart offerings (for those seeking healing, and health and mental health professionals seeking renewal and healing from vicarious trauma). Retreats offered in Eugene and Portland.
Integration Sessions: We offer at least two hours of individual (and/or small group integration sessions) as part of each psilocybin facilitated service. EPIC arranges this service with our Radiant Heart Consulting facilitation team. The action of psilocybin's neurogenesis process lasts longer than the actual experience. That’s why follow-up integration sessions are a key component in educating and empowering clients, helping them bring back what they've experienced during their psychedelic and healing experience into their daily life. Integration sessions are ideally scheduled within a week following the psilocybin experience. There are never too many integration sessions. Our integration sessions help you process and make meaning out of what happened during your psilocybin experience. These sessions help you understand and work with expanded and contracted mind, spiritual and emotional states, and bring the precious insights gained while in your heightened consciousness and open hearted state back into your daily life. That's what we're good at.
Unlimited Free Monthly EPIC Integration Group Sessions for our Alumni: In addition to the individualized integration sessions arranged with your chosen facilitator, we offer two free group integration meetings monthly for our EPIC Alumni, meaning for those who have completed a facilitated psilocybin session with us. These groups are on-going.
Unlimited Free Monthly Personal Growth Groups: We offer four personal growth groups a month: “New Moon Healing Circle”, “Trauma Support Group”, “Psilocybin and Science”, and “Embracing Transitions”. These free on-going groups are open to anyone signed up and/or attended a session with us.
Private Client-Only WhatsApp Group for our EPIC Alumni: Optional WhatsApp group for our EPIC Alumni Integration Group Members. This is a private client-only peer support group for members to share experiences, ask questions, share strategies and resources, and build community.
Free Psychedelic Preparation Guide, and Journal with prompts. In our effort to support clients in their experience, we first provide you with EPIC Healing / Radiant Heart’s very own Preparation Guide to help you prepare for your psychedelic experience. We will then either gift you a psychedelic journal when you come to EPIC, or reimburse participants $15.00 at the time of their session, for those who purchased one of the psychedelic journals listed on Radiant Heart Resources page.
Discounts and Early Sign Up Specials: Inquire about our offered discounts for return clients, and early bird sign-up specials for our retreats.
EPIC / RHC Pay It Forward Fund: We donate 5% of our revenue since inception to our own Pay-It-Forward program, which offers discounts to those who cannot afford them, or for those needing a little help.
EPIC Youtube Video Offerings: We create and offer helpful EPIC Youtube videos on preparation, integration, and personal growth. It is our highest intention to be helpful to others on their personal growth path.
Offered Supportive Resources Provided on our Radiant Heart Consulting website: We provide a variety of helpful, supportive, and healing services on our Radiant Heart Consulting Resources page.
To find out answers to questions about the cost of Psilocybin sessions, please go to our FAQ page.
We provide Psilocybin Therapy
Our services focus on deep healing work, mindfulness, empowerment, spirituality, and transformation through psilocybin facilitation and integration. We teach self-help strategies that support self-directed personal development and brain change. We help you prepare for a healing shift that will help you get the most out of your experiential journeys. Our skilled and supportive staff offer preparation sessions, followed by integration sessions to help you better recognize and incorporate the gems of insight from your psychedelic experiences into your daily life.
Oregon state guidelines require a non-directive approach to psilocybin preparation, facilitation, and integration. This approach is supportive, yet not focused on “fixing you” or leading you in any particular direction. What we offer is Psilocybin therapy, where the action of the psilocybin acts as the therapist, teacher, or guide. This is a non-medical treatment that empowers you to know yourself, your inner world, more deeply. Despite several of EPIC’s Radiant Heart Consulting facilitators possessing advanced mental heath and medical degrees, this is not our focus or how we approach our work. We trust that you are an expert in your own life, so we want to nurture the connection that is made with the psilocybin and ultimately yourself. The coaching and strategies we provide during preparation and integration are supportive of this process. Providing a safe and supportive space for individualized healing and transformation is our highest priority. Our varied backgrounds bring to our practice the intangibles of wisdom, compassion, and decades of working with a variety of people from all walks of life. Each person’s inner intelligence is considered the primary guide for healing, along with the inner-wisdom promoting action of the psilocybin. We help with facilitating that connection and provide a safe space and the support for taking the time to go deep within.
EPIC Healing Eugene offers a safe and supportive setting, while preparation, facilitation, and integration services are provided through our sister company, Radiant Heart Consulting. Our trained and skilled facilitators at Radiant Heart Consulting provide three hours of individual preparation, a supported yet non-directed experiential session, and two hours of individual integration as part of each offering. In addition to the individual preparation and integration sessions, we also offer two free monthly Preparation Groups for those signed up for a facilitation session with us. Once a client completes their facilitated session, they are also welcome to attend our monthly EPIC Integration Groups. Our ongoing preparation and integration, and extra personal growth groups are offered at no extra charge.
We utilize a Harm-Reduction approach, and teach a variety of self-help strategies to help clients prepare for and then gain the most out of their transformational experiences. These additional teachings are provided in the form of our free video offerings, or additional arranged sessions. We believe in building a partnership with our clients, which is formed by the pillars of mutual respect, rapport building, respect for the mushrooms, and a trust in client's inner healer / intelligence as the most important part of being able to bring sustained healing insights into daily life.
Please check out our Videos and Blog page for further updates.