Psychedelics can help us make positive change, but how?

Stumbled on these great Youtube videos. First one is with Michael Pollan (author of "You Can Change Your Mind") who describes in simple terms the research by Dr. Robin Cartwright Harris and his hypothesis of how there is a calming of the Default Mode Network when psychedelics are taken, that helps to rewire the brain in a new way (temporarily) and this rewiring can have lasting effects. The second video is from Dr. Robin Cartwright Harris, which goes deeper into his research, adding a lot of pictures and metaphors. Both videos compliment each other. From our perspective at EPIC Healing Eugene and Radiant Heart Consulting, gaining lasting effects from a psychedelic experience is especially helped along when coupled with integration, which helps people make meaning out of their experiences, and especially remember and lean into the insights gained—a belief we fully embrace, which has inspired us to continue to offer all of our on-going personal growth groups, and integration groups for free to clients who have services with us.

Michael Pollan - Dissolving the Default Mode Network

Robin Carhart-Harris - How Do Psychedelics Work?


Learn about Psilocybin for Healing. EPIC Healing Q&A: Free online educational opportunity to learn about Psilocybin Services in Oregon


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