EPIC Newsletter Issue 8 - What’s the latest?
June 19th, 2024
EPIC Healing Eugene & Radiant Heart Consulting specialize in supporting clients in their healing and transformational experiences. We offer Psilocybin Therapy, facilitated sessions that support clients in making a deeper connection with themselves and the psilocybin, the primary teacher and guide. We focus on providing highly curated and supportive services and a lovely space for individuals, couples, small groups, and those attending our EPIC / RHC's retreats.
Seeing with Heart
Awakening the Heart (Healing) is simply remembering who you truly are. Heart-focused and present-moment awareness practices are what we teach. We believe this is one of the fastest paths to healing and transformation.
We’re still focused on what we are good at: Individual Services, Couples, and Small Group Experiences.
We offered our first Retreat, have more Retreats scheduled, and our Retreat Team is Growing!
Our Supportive Group Offerings are increasing. Learn about our Groups and new offering coming in July!
We have increased Scheduling Options and availability for those on, or new to, our Waitlist.
We have a bigger Intake Team, and we’re getting creative in how we serve!
It is our deepest joy to be of service and to support others on their personal growth path.
Coming Soon: Low-dose Offerings, Low and High Dose Packages, and EPIC’s Micro-dosing Group.
Our EPIC Healing Eugene private courtyard, an extension of the Garden Room is inviting with visiting birds, and entertaining squirrels. The chimes and peaceful fountain add the elements of wind and water.
EPIC’s enchanting and immersive outdoor space inspires a sense of gratitude for nature.
“Druid” - EPIC’s courtyard tree offers shade, leaves, falling petals, and seasonal seedpods. Druid attracts the birds and squirrels, and is ready to lend a ear or hold presence for guests visiting our private courtyard.
EPIC Healing Eugene’s relaxing courtyard has seasonal flowers, trees, a bench, and a hammock-cot option for those who want part of their session to occur outside.
“At EPIC Healing Eugene, you can have your session in our Garden Room with its attached private courtyard, or in our cozy Hummingbird Room with its large picture window, healing stones, plants, and inviting artwork. We also offer sessions at our partnered licensed Service Center locations, which are also pleasant and welcoming.
We at EPIC and our RHC facilitator team look forward to serving you!”
Cozy and safe, clients describe our Hummingbird Room as having its own magic and special energy.
Our recliners are also comfortable options, in both the Garden and Hummingbird Rooms.
The Hummingbird Room at EPIC Healing Eugene
The Garden Room at EPIC Healing Eugene
EPIC’s Garden Room, view of private courtyard space. Client’s love the courtyard, staff do too! 💜
EPIC Healing Eugene - We’re still celebrating our 1st Year in Service! 🎉
(Our license date was May 5th 2023, first clients seen June 23rd, 2023.)
(Listen to OPB Radio - Oregon On-The-Record “One-Year-Later” podcast to learn more about EPIC’s first year; Cathy was interviewed by Micheal Dunne on June 13th, 2024)
On May 4th - 5th, 2024, we had our first EPIC / Radiant Heart Consulting Staff Retreat. Most of our staff were able to attend. Our skilled and knowledgable EPIC / RHC team members spent the day sharing from the wealth of our combined life and work experience on how we can best serve others.
We shared an inspiring evening of connection, music, a drumming circle, and a cacao ceremony with vibrational sound healing, all priming us for the launch of our retreat offerings. We’re ready and excited. Our staff have wisdom and heart-centered gifts to share!
And, we shared some awesome cake! Featured here: Erin Baldwin Draper and Christine Marie, two of our highly skilled facilitators and energy healers. Read the flyers below to learn about our upcoming Co-ed and Women’s Retreat Offerings in Portland. Retreat page.
Welcome Josh Foxen, one of our new RHC facilitators. Josh is also a Retreat Facilitator for our upcoming Co-ed and Men’s Retreat. See flyer below. Visit our website to learn more: RHC Retreat page
Welcome, Doug Weichbrodt, is one of our new RHC facilitators. who is also co-facilitating our upcoming Men’s Retreat. See flyer below.
Our Current Offerings:
During our staff retreat, we reflected on where we are, how far we’ve come, and the services we want to bring forth going forward. Serving over 200 clients since opening, it is our passion to focus on the quality of the services we provide. What we offer:
A free monthly Preparation Group for clients signed up for a session.
Two free monthly Integration Groups for those who have completed a session.
Two individual integration sessions for each client who completes a session, in addition to a two-hour individual preparation session.
Our Pay-It-Forward Fund to help clients with limited means. EPIC and Radiant Heart have been donating 5% of their revenue since inception. (Thank you for your contributions. Everything helps, the need is great).
Expanded services at select licensed service centers. This means our Radiant Heart Consulting facilitators are cross-trained to work at service centers we rent rooms at. This enables us to serve more people on our wait list.
What’s Coming Next?
Cathy using a vibration tuning fork during an energy healing session.
1. Free - EPIC / RHC “New Moon- Healing Circle.” This personal growth group offers a sampling of what happens in some of our retreats. In this group offered by Cathy, participants will be introduced to a variety of transformational and empowering offerings, including guided meditations, shamanic journeys, heart-centered hypnotherapy experiences, healing Earth songs, and an array of self-help strategies from Cathy’s book, Metamorphosis of an Awakened Heart: With Teachings from Mother Ayahuasca. (Book NOT required). This group is facilitated by Cathy Jonas (LCSW, CHT, Energy Healer, Heart-Centered Guide, & Lead Licensed facilitator) - the founder and CEO of EPIC / RHC. Group offered once a month, Sundays 10:00 - 11:11 AM PST. Group open to anyone interested and scheduled for an EPIC / RHC Session or has received services from us. Starting July 7th, on Google Meet. No extra charge.
2. New dosage options coming: 2-Session (Low with a High Dose) package, Low Dose Sessions, and EPIC / RHC onsite and virtual Micro-dosing Group.
3. More Retreats! We are excited to announce the success of our first “Healers of the Heart” Retreat Offering, and have more retreats scheduled! We hope you or someone you know comes to enjoy an immersive and supportive healing experience with our RHC Retreat Team. We love and feel honored to offer them. Please scroll down this Newsletter to view the flyers for our upcoming transformational retreats. Enrollment Open.
We are accepting Retreat Applications now. (There is no obligation to fill out application)
Shamanic drumming Journey of “Meeting Your Future Self” at the “Healers of the Heart Retreat”.
Less than a month after the staff retreat, we hosted our first “Healers of the Heart” Retreat.
Participants described our first “Healers of the Heart Retreat” on May 31 - June 4th, 2024 as “magical” and transformational. We’ll offer this one again! If you’re interested in a future retreat offering, or in one of our upcoming retreats, please fill our our EPIC / RHC Retreat Application. No commitment required.
More Retreats are scheduled, and are being developed. Please view retreat flyers below for our upcoming Co-ed Retreat, Women’s Retreat, and Men’s Retreat. You can also go directly to our EPIC and Radiant Heart Consulting Retreats page to learn more, and sign up for services.
If you’re interested in a future retreat offering, or in one of our upcoming retreats, please fill our our EPIC / RHC Retreat Application. No commitment required. We will reach out to you more readily via email on what retreats are available and when. You can also reach out to info@epichealingeugene.com to be added to our generic interest list.
Other details and reminders:
We don’t go only in order for our waitlist. If you’ve been on the waitlist for a while, feel free to reach out again so we can move you up on the list. Contact info@epichealingeugene.com.
If you haven’t done so lately, please check out our EPIC Healing Eugene FAQ page for commonly asked questions. To get onto our waitlist, please visit the EPIC Healing Eugene Contact Page, and to learn about our Radiant Heart Consulting facilitators (we’ve been adding more people) and a variety of helpful resources including our YouTube videos on preparation and integration, please visit our Radiant Heart Consulting Resources page.
Wishing all the best. Thanks again for your support.
The EPIC Healing Eugene and Radiant Heart Consulting Team
🙏 It’s our honor to serve. Feel free to share our newsletter if you know of someone who may be interested in our services. To sign up for services, please visit the EPIC Healing Eugene Contact Page
Contact info@epichealingeugene.com to be moved up on waitlist, or if you want to confirm we’ve received your inquiry. 🦋
Wishing all the best. Thank you again for your support.
We do have our Pay-It-Forward Fund to help clients with limited means. EPIC and Radiant Heart have been donating 5% of their revenue since inception. (Thank you for your contributions. Everything helps, the need is great.)
The EPIC Healing Eugene and Radiant Heart Consulting Team
If you’d like to unsubscribe to our Newsletters, please let us know by emailing info@epichealingeugene.com.